Psycho-Spirituality Talks
Psycho-Spirituality Formation Talks
Venue: St. John of the Cross Parish Church, Ta’Xbiex, 6.30pm
Monthly talks are presented by Martin Azzopardi, sdc [MASC] that interface the human side of spirituality, yielding practical insights for everyday living and in our daily interaction with others, as spiritual persons who, first and foundationally, are very deeply human, also in our merciful and grace-filled spiritual formation.
PSIKOSpiritwalità tal-Ħajja
11 Jan 2023: The Therapeutic of ‘Letting Go in Life’
1 Feb 2023: The Therapy ‘when feeling afraid or phobic’
19 Apr 2023: “Il-gratitudni u l-apprezzament huma mezz ta’ fejqan fil-ħajja tal-bniedem.” [Gratitude and appreciation are therapeutic in human life]
3 May 2023: “Għajnuniet prattiċi kontra l-Ansjeta u d-Dipressjoni?” [Practical help against anxiety and depression]
6 Jun 2023: “Il-Weġgħat tal-Qalb!!” [The wounded heart]
4 Oct 2023: “L-effett u l-psikologija tal-kelma.” [The effect and psychology of words]
1 Nov 2023: “Il-ħajja u l-mewt kif għandna nħarsu lejhom?” [How should we look towards life and death?]
6 Dec 2023: “X’ifisser li jien inkun rigal għall-oħrajn?” [What does it mean that I am a gift for others?]
8 February 2024: “Il-Weġgħat li jġibu l-preferenzi,” i.e., “Family preferences – impact on our psyche.”
13 March 2024: “X’jagħmel persuna iktar sensittiva minn oħrajn u x’jimplika li tkun sensittiv?” i.e. “What makes a person hughly sensitive and what is the implication of that sensitivity?”