On 31 May 2019, at the Carmelite Priory in St Julian’s was held the first Annual General Assembly in which was elected the first Executive Committee. The Meeting was Chaired by Glen Attard O.Carm. and Edward Clenmer was Secretary ad hoc.
First, as per article 7.7 of the Statute of the Association in effect, the election process was divided into two phases.
- Phase 1: whose aim is the compilation of the Nominees’ List.
- Phase 2: whose aim is the election of the five members of the Executive Committee
As per article 7.8, a list was distributed to the members present containing the names of all eligible members to being voted, and were told to mark a cross (X) next to the names of five members whom they wished to potentially elect to the Executive Committee. The election was carried out in a secret ballot. The secretary ad hoc read the results, which were the following:
- Catania Fiona – 9 votes
- Attard Glen – 8 votes
- Mercieca Pierina – 8 votes
- Bezzina Christopher – 6 votes
- Camilleri Charlò – 6 votes*
- Cutajar Carmen – 4 votes
- Attard Yeon Pia – 3 votes
- Azzopardi Martin – 2 votes
- Clemmer Edward – 2 votes
- Grima Tyrone – 2 votes
- Laferla Claudio – 2 votes
- Vella Brincat Rita – 2 votes*
- Attard Stefan – 1 vote
- Baldacchino Nikol – 0 votes
The results were accepted as valid. By verbal consent, (fr) Charlò Camilleri and Rita Vella Brincat, withdrew from Phase 2 of the election process. As is stipulated in Article 7.8 §E of the Statute, the top ten highest scoring members were validly nominated to the Nominees’ List and could, therefore, proceed to Phase 2 of the election process. Excluding (fr) Charlò Camilleri and Rita Vella Brincat, the top 10 nominated candidates consented to passing on to phase 2.
The new ballots were printed out and distributed to the members. The members present were told to vote again by marking a cross (X) next to the names of five members that they wanted to elect to the Executive Committee. The election was carried out in a secret ballot. Then, the secretary ad hoc read the results, which were the following:
- Azzopardi Martin – 10 votes
- Catania Fiona – 10 votes
- Clemmer Edward – 10 votes
- Attard Glen – 9 votes
- Grima Tyrone – 7 votes
- Laferla Claudio – 7 votes
- Bezzina Christopher – 1 vote
- Cutajar Carmen – 1 vote
- Attard Yeon Pia – 0 votes
- Mercieca Pierina – 0 votes
The results were accepted as valid. Thus, Azzopardi Martin was elected as the first member of the Executive Committe, Catania Fiona was elected as the second member of the Executive Committe, Clemmer Edward was elected as the third member of the Executive Committe, and (fr) Attard Glen was elected as the fourth member of the Executive Committe, after having each of them accepted their election. With regards to the election of the fifth member, as there was a tie of 7 votes, lots were drawn, as had been announced beforehand, between Grima Tyrone and Laferla Claudio. As a result of this, Grima Tyrone’s name was drawn by lots and thus, after having accepted his election, was elected as the fifth member to the Executive Committee. As per article 7.11 of the present Statute, it was then left to the newly appointed Executive Committe to decide how the offices of the Executive Committee should be distributed between the five members elected.